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Today's Pathfinders are highly trained soldiers. They perform as combat air traffic controllers capable of establishing landing zones and drop zones for troops or supplies. They control all air traffic into and out of remote sites or established airfields. Often they are the first ones into a drop zone or landing zone and the last ones out.
Pathfinders are experts at downed aircraft recovery and personnel extractions. Pathfinders are experts at external sling-load rigging and inspections.

The National Pathfinder Association is a military veteran organization.
Our purpose is to unite Pathfinder-qualified individuals from the U.S. and non-U.S. military.
Our mission is to maintain and strengthen the bonds of comradeship distinguished by the members of the Pathfinders;
to provide for the gathering and dissemination of information concerning those members and their periodic assembly in local and national reunions;
to enhance the Pathfinder’s prestige in all military and civilian circles; and to assist active duty, retired, family members of deceased and disabled Pathfinders in achieving a better quality of life for them and their families.
We seek to preserve the fame & glory of the U.S. Army Pathfinder. We continue to reinforce the mission of Pathfinders as necessary force multipliers due to their unique training and capabilities.

Contribution Center
Please contribute any amount possible to help the NPA in its mission. Contributions are not tax deductible as we are not in a tax-exempt status at this time. Funding is always an issue with any organization so we need members to provide some funding for the following;
1. Provide two $1000.00 scholarships this spring to qualified NPA family members. Applications will be available in April on this website and email. We hope to offer more scholarships in the future.
2. Purchase merchandise with NPA logo for members to purchase such as challenge coins, polo shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, caps, stickers, etc.
3. Provide flowers or other items for deceased member services, also provide the family with an engraved NPA challenge coin.
4. Reimburse members for travel to events while representing the NPA such as graduations, funerals, memorial services, special events.
5. Fund the bi-annual reunion for hotel, conference room, food & drinks, snacks, ice, gift bags w/items, banners, decorative items, raffle gifts. Provide financial assistance to smaller group Pathfinder reunions.
6. Funding for day-today operations of the NPA such as office supplies, equipment, mailouts, membership cards, display items, brochures, historical Pathfinder related items. Shipping costs for merchandise and other items.
7. Provide funding and assistance when possible to NPA members in need such as hospitalization, natural disasters, funeral costs, etc.
All "Contributors" will be recognized on our reports and this website, and especially at the "Fellowship of the Torch" reunions.
Any amount is acceptable, please press the tab below to make your contribution.

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